Sunday, April 12, 2015


                Behind every man’s success there is a woman. That’s what most of the people do say. Yet, here is totally opposite. Behind every man’s success is a father. A father is a man that guides their child with lots of responsibilities. In my case, my father is my inspiration which I do admire the most. Let me share with you some stories which made me to inspire my father the most. I do believe that my father is no longer with us yet his teachings and preaching’s still running in my blood and mind.  A father is always a man that brings a lot of inspiration in our lives and shows us some guidelines to get cope up with and avoid of some things. My father has always been my master in everything. He was my living legend and nearest God to guide me in every path. He inspires me in certain way of his living style, his talks as well as his reaction and manner in every situation. I would proudly say he was as brave as lion. Every early in the morning somewhere 4am he wakes up and takes his shower with cold water. Yes, 4am and cold water without shivering. It sounds tough rite. Well then he starts his day by putting prayers in the house and then rides his bike to temple. He will spend mostly an hour there and clean the whole temple by sweeping and pick up every leaves which falls from the trees. The he fetches us and leaves us in school. Till then evening arise, I usually accompany him for his work. Usually he will be having the habit of helping poor people without considering the race. He will tell me to do the same as he believes God is One. He advised me whenever I acknowledge a person he will tell me to instill such value of If you don’t see God in one, you don’t see God at all. He tells I will feel blessed and good by doing so whereby I do believe on his words and paying my role for such a responsibility. Moreover, he never keeps things in his heart as if he sees someone is doing something wrong, he immediately rectifies it. The rationale of doing so is to allow a person to be aware of such a mistake and advise him in a nice way by including the stories of prophets. Apart from that, no matter how tired he is, he always spends some time with us by telling his childhood stories on how he managed to be a well living person in his life and avoided poverty. He told us to be a hardworking person in life and never give up easily in life. Be strong and brave in order to face whatever comes in the middle. Respect every human beings and animals. Look after one another as if dying for each other. Never betray someone in life or do dirty stuff. He is a person who learned from his mistakes and never wants anyone of us to face the same as how did he face in his early life. He is also very corporative and well organized person who made me to be aware on how to deal with someone and locate important documents. Whatever I am today is with his blessings and thoughts. He will always be the one I inspire in every seconds of living.    


  1. Awesome entry brother...great words...reading it makes me rewind all the stories you've once told me...makes me imagine what a great man he was when he was around...nevertheless, i'm sure he will be happy with your achievements today brother...always be strong and be wise in your decisions as to make yourself better and constantly improving...I believe in you brother...make dad and mom proud brother...God bless...

  2. awesome fathers are awesome! :D

  3. Thanks alot brother.. Keeping your words as precious as treasures
